12-15 juin 2013 - congrès de simulation

Tout l’événementiel IADE

Modérateur : Marc

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Enregistré le : 06 avr. 2003, 11:09
Année de diplôme IADE : 2004
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Localisation : Toulouse
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12-15 juin 2013 - congrès de simulation

Message : # 69126Message non lu Maxime »


Welcome to Paris!

We are more than happy to welcome you to the 19th Annual International Meeting of the SESAM, to be held on June 12-15, 2013 at the Centre de Congrès La Villette in Paris (Pre-Conference Courses on June 12).

This meeting will be an outstanding occasion for the SESAM to gather simulation users from all over Europe, but also to a larger extent from other continents, and exchange about scientific, educational, and many others aspects of Simulation in Healthcare. All our efforts will be focused on bringing you the utmost scientific content, in an area totally dedicated to Science. Among the different topics of interest for simulation, our goal is to get insights from experts on the proper integration of simulation programs into curricula, the use of virtual reality and numeric simulation, and the impact of simulation on patient outcomes.

This year, SESAM invites you to travel in one of the most beautiful city of the world. We will also make sure you enjoy the beauty of our city throughout an exciting social program, dedicated to enhance meetings, networkings and interactions between simulation users.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Paris in June 2013
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Enregistré le : 06 avr. 2003, 21:33
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Re: 12-15 juin 2013 - congrès de simulation

Message : # 69192Message non lu Marc »

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